Grants for service providers

VETS offers three types of grants to entities who provide employment and training related services to veterans. Each grant program has specific requirements for eligible applicants.


Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG)

The JVSG program provides federal funding through a formula grant to state agencies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Recipients use this funding to hire dedicated staff that provide individualized career and training-related services to eligible veterans and eligible persons with employment barriers, and that assist employers in filling their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans.

Eligible applicants

Only state government agencies (one per state) may apply for this grant. Eligible entities are notified of funding availability on an annual basis.

Learn more about applying for a JVSG grant


Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP)

HVRP is an employment focused competitive grant program. It is the only federal grant to focus exclusively on competitive employment for homeless veterans.

Eligible applicants

Applications for funds will be accepted from state and local Workforce Development Boards, Native American governments (federally recognized), Native American organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), U.S. Territory or Possession, state agencies, for-profit entities and non-profit organizations, including community- and faith-based organizations, and public, state, and private institutions of higher education. Please see the latest Funding Opportunity Announcement on is external) by keyword search “HVRP.” 

Applicants must have a familiarity with the area and population to be served and have the ability to administer an effective program.

Learn more about applying for a HVRP grant


Stand Down

Stand Down events assist veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness by providing a wide range of employment, social, and health services. VETS awards these noncompetitive grants on a first-come, first-served basis to support one-day or multi-day events at up to $7,000 or $10,000, respectively. The critical services provided at these events are often the catalyst that enables those individuals to reenter the workforce.

Eligible applicants

Same as HVRP.

Learn more about applying for a Stand Down grant